Global Value Experts


Milada Hanzakova

Mgr. Milada Hanzáková

Project Manager
Competence Center: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Curriculum Vitae

Milada Hanzáková works as Project Manager at GiVE Management Consulting GmbH, with responsibility for projects mainly in Germany. She studied at Comenius Univerzity in Bratislava.

Milada worked in HR over twenty years in automotive in Czech republic, Germany, Japan and Slovakia with focus on recruiting and branding and in the position of the HR Head in the tier 1 supplier plants.

With her love to sports and nature, Milada enjoys cycling and hiking.

She speaks Czech, Slovak, German and English.

GiVE News

GiVE Blog

BLOG 24 09Photo credit: PhotoMIX-Company für Pixabay (via Canva pro)

The role of AI in modern supply chains: a revolution in efficiency and resilience

In an increasingly interconnected and globalised world, the supply chain is becoming one of the key success factors for companies. Whether automotive manufacturers, retailers or technology companies – a smoothly functioning supply chain often determines success or failure.


Read more …

Kurze Einführung

krátký úvod

krátky úvod

Kratek Uvod

  • borealis

    Feasibility study for handling of 1 Mio to of fertilizer from Uzbekistan to Black Sea, Baltic See and Arab Sea: “Professional handling of project, availability of experienced people in the different countries, knowledge of legal situation in the different countries. GiVE - Professional partner for a project in CIS countries.”


    Josef Fechter, Supply Chain Manager,

  • "GiVE Management Consulting was able to respond very quickly to our requirements and provide quality interim managers. I consider professionalism and very good cooperation with the project manager to be their strengths. Our company can recommend GiVE Management Consulting as a good partner for cooperation in the personnel area.”



    HR Manager
    REHAU Automotive

  • borealis

    „GiVE hat uns in Russland bei der Suche, Bewertung und Auswahl von Gießereien unterstützt. Wir bedanken uns für eine professionelle Projektleitung und schätzen sowohl die methodische als auch die landesspezifische Kompetenz der Berater.”


    Dr. Matthias Krug, Standortleiter Berlin, Knorr-Bremse

  • metroAls Abteilungsleiter Research bei der METRO Group Asset Management (jetzt METRO Group Properties), der Immobiliengesellschaft der METRO Group, hatten meine Abteilung und ich bis Ende 2010 häufig Kontakt mit GiVE Management Consulting in Person von Herrn Prokop und beauftragten das Beratungsunternehmen mit mehreren Projektstudien im Bereich Einzel- und Großhandelsanalyse, insbesondere in den Ländern Osteuropas und der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Hierbei zeichnete sich GiVE Management Consulting durch ein ausgezeichnet funktionierendes Netzwerk in diesen Ländern, fundiertes Methoden Know How der eingesetzten Berater, gute konzeptionelle analytische Kompetenz sowie ein hohes Maß an Sorgfalt bei der Durchführung der Projekte aus. Von daher war ich mit den Ergebnissen der Studien sehr zufrieden. Mit Herrn Prokop standen mir und meinen Mitarbeitern immer ein sehr kompetenter und aufgeschlossener Ansprechpartner bei den Projekten zur Verfügung.“


    Dr. Claus Hoffmann-Güth, ehem. Abteilungsleiter Research, METRO Group Asset Management (jetzt METRO Group Properties)

  • borealis

    „Im Zuge unserer Offensive zur Internationalisierung der STAHL-Beschaffungsquellen, haben wir mit GiVE für die Region Osteuropa konkret die Warengruppen Stanzteile, Gummiformteile und Thermo/Duroplastische Kunststoffteile bearbeitet. So wie ein akzeptables Qualitätsniveau und die Bereitschaft zur Unterzeichnung bindender Verträge.


    GiVE hat uns bei diesem Projekt professionell unterstützt, angefangen mit der Suche, Vorauswahl, Anfragen und war auch bei der Lieferantenauswahl und Vertragsverhandlungen aktiv involviert.“

    Ralf Kramer, Vice President Global Procurement & Supply, R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH

  • borealis

    “GiVE hat bei der Lieferantensuche und -bewertung wirksam begleitet. An der Zusammenarbeit schätzen wir die methodische Kompetenz, Kenntnis der Beschaffungsmärkte und die sehr gute Kommunikation zu uns als Kunden. Wir können hiermit GiVE mit gutem Gewissen weiter empfehlen.”


    Strategic Sourcing
    Dürr Systems AG

  • borealis

    “GiVE supported us very effectively in the optimization of processes at one of our suppliers. GiVE's advice to the supplier stabilized the supply chain. We appreciate the pragmatic approach and flawless communication in all phases of the project.”


    Head of SDA Europe, T/PUC
    Knorr-Bremse SNf GmbH

  • borealis

    The strengths of GiVE Management Consulting are the professionalism which they provide solutions with and their flexible approach, and last but not least, good communication with the project manager who was able to fulfil the specified task. I would definitely recommend GiVE Management Consulting as a reliable and high-quality company in case of providing interim personnel services.



    Senior HR Manager
    KS Kolbenschmidt

  • "I can personally recommend GiVE Management Consulting, which provides interim personnel services. Cooperation with the company in the field of external personnel support has always been smooth; the company has always fully respected the assignment and proposed candidates have met specified criteria. I also would also like to highlight the flawless communication and willingness to always find the right solution."



    HR Manager
    Boryszew Group

  • “Our company can recommend GiVE Management Consulting, which provides interim human resources services in the form of interim management. The cooperation and communication on several projects in the field of quality, project management and production was seamless, the company always fully respected the assignment and the proposed candidates met the criteria. I would also like to highlight the willingness to always find a suitable solution and meet the objectives before and during the project.”


    HR & Safety Manager

  • “Personally, I can recommend GiVE Management Consulting, a company that provides temporary human resources services in the form of interim management. The cooperation and communication was seamless. the company always fully respected the assignment and the proposed candidates met the criteria. I would also like to highlight the willingness to always find a suitable solution and meet the objectives before and during the project.”


    General Director, CEO
    Arcelor Mittal

  • “Naše společnost potřebovala najít vhodného kandidáta na neobsazenou pozici. Na překlenutí doby, než nám mohla nová zaměstnankyně nastoupit, jsme vyžili služeb společnosti GiVE Management Consulting a jejich interim manažerky. Spolupráci s touto společností mohu doporučit. Při výběru vhodného kandidáta respektovali zadání, byli rychlí a navržení kandidáti odpovídali našim kritériím.”


    Veronika Rihova, HR Manager

  • „Im Rahmen einer kurzfristigen Besetzung von operativen Experten sind wir auf GiVE Management Consulting aufmerksam geworden.

    Innerhalb kürzester Zeit wurden passgenaue Experten gefunden und uns vorgestellt. Passgenau sowohl im Hinblick auf Ihre professionelle Eignung als auch in Bezug auf ihre Erfahrungen in der Zusammenarbeit mit den entsprechenden Lieferanten , diese Unterstützung im Auswahlprozess hat uns begeistert. Durch die enge und effiziente Abstimmung mit dem Team von GiVE Management Consulting fiel es mir sehr leicht, eine finale Entscheidung zu fällen und einen Experten von GiVE Management Consulting zu mandatieren. Ich bin sowohl von der Professionalität und dem Engagement des Teams von GiVE Management Consulting beeindruckt.

    Bei weiteren Projekten, werden wir auch gerne wieder auf GiVE Management Consulting zurückgreifen.


    Senior Vice President Quality Management
    Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 

  • GiVE Management Consulting is highly experienced team of skilled profesionals. Not only that they were able to promptly react on our needs, but what is most important, GiVE carefully selected the most suitable staff based on our needs and situation.
    The actual cooperation was smooth and problem focused. Without GiVE's help, our company would no longer exist.



    Ondrej Piska
    Member of Supervisory Board, Swedsteel-Metecno Kft.

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  • Call or email us!

  • » Let us call you back!

D:  +49 89 1894 6057
CZ: +420 234 261 943
SK: +421 233 329 598

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


GiVE Consultants
Interim Experts and Managers


GiVE projects are managed and processed by highly qualified and motivated experts who meet the following requirements:

  • subject-specific knowledge in one of the fields of competence
    • strategy, sales, production, purchasing, logistics, quality, finance, human resources
    • manufacturing, transportation, trade
  • business and technical know-how
  • intercultural competence
  • language skills of the target countries
  • insight into the local business mechanisms
  • global perspective and feasible solutions on site
  • experience in consulting and industry


  • Munich
  • Suttgart
  • Heilbronn
  • Prague
  • Bratislava
  • Wroclaw
  • Budapest
  • Cluj
  • Sofia
  • Chisinau
  • Belgrade
  • Zagreb
  • Kiev
  • Tashkent
  • Alma Aty
  • Izmir
  • Tunis
  • Cape Town
  • Shanghai
  • New Delhi
  • Ho-Chi Minh City
  • Sao Paulo
  • Santiago de Chile
  • Call or email us!

  • » Let us call you back!

D:  +49 89 1894 6057
CZ: +420 234 261 943
SK: +421 233 329 598

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Management / ISO 9001

GiVE Management

You will be cared for by an experienced, highly qualified team in the following areas:

  • task recording / customer requirements
  • putting the team together
  • creating and presenting an offer
  • concluding contracts
  • supervising projects (customer / consultant / interim)
  • determining customer satisfaction

Our motivation is the passion for quick, flexible and precise solutions.

Petr Prokop

Petr Prokop

Managing Director,
Competence Center:
EU, Asia, America

Patrick Adam

Dr. Patrick Adam
Competence Center:

Cristian Craciun

Ec. Christian Craciun
Competence Center:

Hana Romanova

Hana Romanova

Affiliate Program

Zdenek Kodejs

Zdenek Kodejs

Sales Manager, Sales area: Czech Republic

Zuzana Gregrova

Dipl.-Ing. Zuzana Grégrová

Project  Manager, Competence Center: Germany

Andrea Srotova

Ing. Andrea Šrotová

Project Manager, Competence Center: Czech Republic

Michaela Gray

Ing. Michaela Gray

HR / Project Manager
Competence Center: The Czech Republic

Michaela Lenertova

Mgr. Milada Hanzáková

Project Manager
Competence Center: Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Katerina Matalova

Bc. Kateřina Matalová

HR Partner
Competence Center: Czech Republic

Eva Zdrazilova

Ing. Eva Zdražilová

Marketing Manager

Nikola Herodesova

Ing. Nikola Herodesová

HR / Project Manager
Competence Center: Germany, Czech Republic

Nikola Herodesova

Ing. Zuzana Poláčiková, PhD.

Senior Acquisition Manager
Competence Center: Europe

Jochen Gräfe

Jochen Gräfe
Sales Manager

ISO 9001


We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

We have received a certificate of conformity of the quality management system with the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

We have been certified by the accredited certification body NQA, part of the international group NTS.

The ISO 9001 certification confirms that the internal processes and standards that apply in our company enable us to provide our customers with high-quality services.

Quality policy

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