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Business Case: OP-24-861
Sectors / Bereiche: Projekt-, Programmanagement / Project -, Program management
Position / Position / Pozice:
Technical Project Manager (Civil Engineering/Plant Construction)
Location / Einsatzort / Lokace projektu: North Rhine-Westphalia
Start: ASAP
Project duration / Projektdauer / Délka projektu: 12 months+
Customer / Kunde / Zákazník:
Tasks / Aufgaben / Úkoly:
  • Technical realisation of the project in the disciplines of ‘structural engineering, technical building equipment, gas measurement and analysis technology and electrical engineering’, taking into account the project information and objectives provided by the customer based on your own knowledge and experience
  • Professional review of the quality of the design, specification and execution as well as review of time and budget
  • Professional advice on all aspects of the technical design and changes to the specification within all contractually agreed parameters to optimise time and budget based on our own expertise
  • Professional, technical coordination and management of the specialist project managers, taking into account the project objectives
  • Carrying out a review of the technical design and functionality of the respective trades in the project scope
  • Coordination, control and communication of engineering activities in the project phases, commissioning and project completion phase
  • Review of planning and execution documents from the above-mentioned project phases
  • Professional implementation of a review of the consideration of regulatory requirements in the design, construction and commissioning process - Coordination of the certification process
  • Coordination of technical specifications in the procurement process
  • Technical negotiations with potential customers and suppliers during the tendering phase
  • Technical advice to the customer's contract management and purchasing department, as well as external customers and suppliers based on own expertise
  • Evaluation of technical changes taking into account the project objectives. Preparation of final documentation/handover documentation including own evaluation of technical changes and handover to the customer for approval
  • Review of personnel resources and early transfer of information about possible bottlenecks to the customer
  • Coordination of technical change management staff and technical management of the team with regard to deadlines, technical requirements and budget
Conditions / Anforderungen / Požadavky:
  • Many years of experience as a technical project manager in the construction and plant engineering trades
  • Knowledge of the following trades is a MUST: Technical building equipment, gas measurement and analysis technology and electrical engineering
  • Engineering training is a prerequisite
  • Very good knowledge of German
  • Knowledge of the energy industry
Languages / Sprachen / Jazyky: Deutsch, Englisch
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